Monday, September 20, 2010

"Hold up, bug in the eye!"

Quite funny.... over the last few days while running or on my bike, some kind of bug has entered into my eye every single time.  I thought it was just once, but no, it's happened at least a few times in just the last three days!  I'd just be happily riding my bike when, "wham!", the bug darts into my eye.

A couple times I literally had to either stop my bike or start walking, when I was running, because I thought the reminisce of the bug glued to my eye.  After a few blinks--actually, many-- the creature would usually be gone out of my eye.  Still, the thought of the dirty, egg- carrying creature hitting me eye just grosses me out.  And it hurt, too!

Have you ever had a bug or some kind of creature, living or non-living, hit your eyes while exercising or just outside?  It's definitely NOT one fun experience....

Despite bugs touching my precious sense--sight-- I was still able to whip up some tasty meals....and bake for that matter, too!

Enjoy.  There's quite a bit of photos since I haven't blogged the last few days...not all of my eats, as I consume quite a  bit and forget to grab the camera, but enough to last you for this post ;)


I made cornbread--with the mention of wholemade, whole- grain cornbread from my blogger friend, Heather, i whipped up a batch using Bob's Red Mill cornmeal, Rice Milk, flax (for the eggs).  Unfortunately, the batch, as you can see, turned out VERY crumbly and dry :(  I believe it was due to the course cornmeal I used and not enough moisture.  I didn't want to throw the batch away, since it still tasted really yummy, hence a large portion of it being gone (above).  I forgot to snap a photo right when it came out of the oven, so I snapped one with two pieces taken out-- I couldn't get enough, it was so good :)!

Also hence me making a parfait out of it for breakfast.  Why waste perfectly tasty (abeit, crumbly and dry) cornbread when you can make a parfait out of it?  I added cottage cheese, strawberries and good ole' PB to the mix.  It was quite yummy, despite it's texture.

    Para lunch, I made "cheesy white bean dip" from ED&BV...i tell you, Dreena takes the cake.  She's one amazing cookbook writer.  Love the way she thinks..quite similar to me and a lot of us food bloggers :)  With it, I have some steamed broccoli and brussel sprouts, as well as carrots tomatoes and spinach.  I also had a whole wheat pita on the side for dunkage.   It was pretty delish-- the dip--albeit salty and filling.

   For dinner, I was supposed to have "Mellow- sniffy lentil soup" again, from ED&BV, however I started cooking it too late and I was hungry, so I whipped up something quick.  This consisted of MORE cornbread topped with peanut butter, coconut butter and the rest of my tempeh bacon.  On the side I had some steamed garlicy cabbage and zucchini fries.  I tell you cornbread, bacon and PB make quite a tasty combo!

 Before swim, I made The Non-Dairy Queen's papusas!  I found corn flour-- tons-- in my pantry leftover from whole made corn tortillas in the past, so I made a couple.  I topped them with mozzarella cheese, pesto sauce and spinach.  They were SOOOO good, thanks for reminding me, Heather!  I also had a strawberry-orange smoothie on the side.
*I know, this is one TERRIBLE picture--agreed.  I was in a rush for making it to swim and this is the only picture I captured.  Sorry.*

   For lunch, I made a big salad with spinach, more homegrown tomatoes, white beans (they're hiding!), and homegrown green beans drizzled with Annie's Goddess Dressing. I also had a whole wheat pita, wholemade almond milk (yes, this is what I end up using my homework time doing! YIKES), and an apple with peanut butter.


   I DID not use a cheesecloth to drain the almond pulp, as you can see.  I love me some pulp.  Hey, that's where all the vitamins are :)

             Hummus dunkage for la pita

   .... And I made another batch of cornbread using a different recipe and my newly found corn flour :)  You know when you know something will come out good since it has for someone else?  Well, that's my reasoning for making another batch.  I knew it'd come out better if I tweaked it a bit.  And I did.  I used Polly's recipe, but used 1 tablespoon of agave, instead of honey, and used my the wholemade-pulpy almond milk and a bit of rice milk, to thin it out.  To ensure enough moisture, I added some coconut oil and a little bit of vegetable oil into the mix.  Since I still don't have eggs and wanted to vegan-ize the recipe, I used Energy Egg replacer.  This batch turned out  A LOT better-- more moist and naturally sweet from the nut milks.

   After cutting it, this is what it looked like.  Again, sorry for the bad quality, my camera ran out of batteries-- *again*.  So i turned to my not- so nice camera phone to back me up.

    My snack this afternoon consisted of *more* of my wholemade almond milk, TJs raspberry preserves, WF peanut butter and a big piece of my cornbread.  I dusted the whole thing off with cinnamon, it was SOOO yummy :)

  I packed the lentil soup I made last night, along with a side salad, for work

   And when I got home from work, I discovered a package from the kind people from Artisana-- Premier Organics- that of which contained a jar of Cashini Butter.  So I made a big bowl of oat bran cooked in the last of my almond milk (I drank the whole thing in a course of a day!),  ginger and cinnamon.  I topped it with Artisana's Cashini Butter and shredded coconut.  It was some scrumptious
stuff.  It made for a lovely, hearty snack before bed.

The bowl of oats topped with Artisana's Cashini Butter is just a preview what's to come.....

I'll definitely have pictures and be reviewing all the samples Premier Organics-- Artisana-- sent me in my next post.  So be looking forward to a post devoted solely to Artisana, my favorite nut butter products.

Thank you Premier Organics for sending me those amazing samples to review and try.  I can't wait to try them all, I'm quite excited :)!

Goodnight-- I'm off to bed to get some rest for a school- packed day tomorrow.


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