Saturday, November 6, 2010

An Elegant Dinner For One!

I just wanted to note on the beautiful, romantic dinner I made solely for my one and only self last night..... :)

When you're home alone with no one to go out with, cook for or accompany, why not prepare a tasty feast for none other than yourself?  That's the question I embarked on when deciding what do do with my night since I had no other obligations on hand.

The menu dejor: Coconut- maple tofu, steamed broccolini and brussel sprouts and a sweet kabocha squash puree.

MAN-- Kudos to the chef because this was a beyond- out of this world meal!  It only took me about an hour overall to prepare.  Super delicious and hearty, yet really simple to whip up.  

Let me take you behind the scenes, and show you my steps that led up to this elegant meal.

First, I roasted a small kabocha squash in coconut oil at 415 degrees for about 35 minutes.

Then, I started on the tofu, with these simple ingredients:

Maple syrup, coconut oil, tamari, sesame oil, shredded coconut (not pictured), and Rice Wine Vinegar.  I cut up a few slabs of tofu and added about a tsp. of each to marinate the tofu in; once tofu was coated in marinade, I coated in a generous amount of shredded coconut.  :)

Then I baked the tofu triangles at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes or so (or however toasty you like them).

I went back to my cooked kabocha squash, once cooled, and scooped out all the flesh from the skin.  I put all the scooped out flesh into my food processor along with lots of cinnamon, and a dash or so of Almond milk.

I pureed the kabocha mixture till smooth and luscious (I wanted to eat it right out of the food processor- looked heavenly!).
And now you have yourself some sweet kabocha "mashed potatoes" :)

Then, I just steamed my veggies in my awesome Rice Cooker (yes, you can steam all kinds of veggies and root veggies in the rice cooker.  yet another amazing feature) till soft.

Then, wah- lah, I had my self one incredible meal-- Coconut- maple tofu, steamed broccolini and creamy kabocha squash mashed potatoes.

It was one heavenly meal that despite having no one to "wine or dine" with, I enjoyed the company of none other than myself.  

....And a beautiful sunset from the pleasure of my own porch:

Happy evening, lovelies :)  Hope you find yourself with an elegant and amazing night!  I'm off to the beach for an afternoon walk.

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